The BIG Puppy Sisters - January 30, 2011

A photo album of Roger and Janice Baxter spending a beautiful winter afternoon
visiting the Puppy Sisters in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

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See the early photos of the Puppy Sisters Photo Album
See the Puppy Sister's Reunion Page - October 2010
Or CLICK to see a video of this visit to the Puppy Sisters.
PLEASE NOTE: If the photographic images seen above are less than 2 inches square, it is due to a web browser problem. They should be displayed bigger than 3" wide x 4" high. This photo album uses a new Adobe Flash based format created by Adobe Photoshop Elements that is best viewed with either the Apple Safari or Google Chrome browser - NOT Internet Explorer NOR Mozilla Foxfire which both dinky-fy the images.
OR if you prefer to see this slide show in a version not based on Adobe Flash, you can see the same images on this second version of this photo album now available: It is a Javascript based format created by JAlbum that works well equally well with all the major web browsers - Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. This version displays its slide show in a full screen format, as well as avoids the problems mentioned above.